
three-sisters-boxThe Three Sisters | A Legend | Diversity | How to Plant the Three Sisters | Activities | Information | Evaluation

The Three Sisters: Exploring an Iroquois Garden

As a youth participant in garden programs, you’ve become an expert on good ways to learn about subjects that interest you and about activities that are both fun and educational. Please answer the following questions to help us understand what you learned and enjoyed.
We value your input!

1.    What are the Three Sisters?

2.    What do you feel you’ve learned by participating in the Three Sisters project? Please check all that apply.

o    I learned about native culture.
o    I learned to appreciate plants and food from another culture.
o    I learned to prepare a food.
o    I learned about diversity and why it is important.
o    I planned and carried out an activity.
o    I better understand what is needed to plan and plant a garden.

3.    List three things that you learned about Iroquois culture that you didn’t know before.

4.    Can you name at least three types of corn?

5.    Could you name these three types of corn before you did the Three Sisters project?

6.    Can you draw the Three Sisters?

7.    What is diversity?

8.    Can you name one way that diversity relates to the Three Sisters?

9.    What ideas did you learn from the Three Sisters that you could use to develop into a report or topic for a public presentation?

10.    Do you have a favorite crop of the Three Sisters? If so, why is it your favorite?

11.    What was your favorite activity? What did you like about it, and what did you learn from it?

12.    Is there anything else about the Three Sisters project that you would like to comment on?