Citizen Science- Youth

The Oxford English Dictionary recently defined citizen science as: “scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions.”


Vegetable Varieties Investigation (VVI)


Vegetable varieties investigation (VVI) is a companion program to Vegetable Varieties for Gardeners (VVfG). Youth participants interview gardeners about their opinions on vegetable varieties, then submit their findings to the VVfG nation-wide online library of vegetable variety reviews. Findings reported by Vvi youth participants are used by gardeners, plant breeders, and horticulture researchers to support science research and promote garden biodiversity for healthy ecosystems.


Seed to SaladVVTG

Seed to Salad– Youth grow salad gardens, with emphasis on decision-making and a multi-disciplinary approach, including nutrition, physical activity, math, and language arts. Seed to Salad – Spanish Version. And gardeners of all ages can visit the VVfG citizen science project site and report what varieties perform well – and not so well – in their gardens.


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