Horticulture Myths from Washington State University Extension
How to Read a Research Article from Cornell

Resources to Help Identify Issues
- Plant Diagnostics: What is “Wrong” With My Plant? (pdf)
- Basic Entomology for Identification (pdf)
- Botany Language Basics for Identification of Flowering Plants (pdf)
- Guide to Identifying Viburnums and Viburnum Leaf Beetles
- Weed Identification
- Interactive Plant Manager: Search by Plant or Symptoms
- Fruit: Berry Diagnostic Tool
- Growing Degree Days and Pest Forecasts: Crop and IPM tools from the Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) Cornell
- Cornell Mushroom Blog FAQ
- Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Other Animals
- Soil Testing
- The Soil Animal Handbook (pdf)
- Information about identifying apple cultivars
Pest Factsheets and Guides
- Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic Factsheets
- Cornell Vegetable Disease Factsheets
- Insect Diagnostic Lab Factsheets
- Turfgrass Pests & Weeds
- Tick and Mosquito Factsheets
- What’s Bugging You? Residential Home Pest Factsheets
- Greenhouse Insect Pest Factsheets
- Wildlife Damage Management Factsheets
- Invasive Species Factsheets
- Around the Home IPM Guidelines
- Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management (pdf)
Management Resources
- Late Blight
- Vegetable Pathology for Gardeners
- Managing Viburnum Leaf Beetle
- Tree Fruit Integrated Pest Management (IPM) specifically Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)
- Weed Control for the Home Vegetable Garden (pdf)
- Iron-based herbicide for broadleaf weed management in lawns (pdf)
- Publication Library in Ecommons: For New York State Integrated Pest Management Program
- Pest Management around the Home: Cultural Methods (pdf entire publication) Below are individual sections:
Cover and Introduction (pdf)
- Diagnosis and identification of plant disorders (pdf)
- Pest management options for home and garden (pdf)
- Tools for cultural pest management (pdf)
- Management practices for household pests (pdf)
- Houseplant pest management (pdf)
- Management of annoying pests outside the home (pdf)
- Management of wildlife problems (pdf)
- Annual and perennial pest management (pdf)
- Tree and shrub pest management (pdf)
- Tree fruit pest management (pdf)
- Small fruit pest management (pdf)
- Vegetable pest management (pdf)
- Lawncare without pesticides (pdf)
- Weed management (pdf)
- Resources (pdf)
Pesticide Product Information
CCE Pesticide Safety Education Program: factsheets and for general public
NYS DEC Bureau of Pest Management – Information Portal: Select Pesticide Products for information for NYS
Cornell Library Resource: Evaluating Credibility